Linda Goldstein Consulting

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”

John F. Kennedy

Change is inevitable and that’s especially true when it comes to local government. Public policy revisions are necessary for growth, staff members retire or leave for other opportunities, and elected officials rotate off the board and new members are sworn into office.  Leading change is necessary for successful growth and progress.

Community demographics change as residents enter different phases of life from marriage and children to empty nesters. Businesses close and new ones open. Change is a common thread that runs through all communities, and it can be disruptive as well as necessary.

Early in my career as an elected official, I learned the importance of listening, asking the right questions, encouraging a reasonable and respectful dialogue, and moving stakeholders towards a collective vision. Authentic public engagement is essential for growth and change in our communities, and the process will help you:

  • Determine the best solution through collective wisdom and multiple perspectives
  • Maximize the public’s satisfaction with the ultimate decision
  • Foster the public’s support for this and future initiatives.

The pace of change is accelerating, so make a commitment to citizen engagement and lead change for powerful, positive outcomes.

For more information, visit my article here.