Linda Goldstein Consulting

Linda Featured on G.R.I.T. Talk Show

G.R.I.T. Talk Show featuring best selling author Linda Goldstein a contributing author within GROWTH. Linda shares about the impact she made within the community while she was a politician and the work she is doing currently supporting CEO’s as a Vistage Chair.

Quit Pretending All is OK… And Communicate with Your People

I read recently about a restaurant owner who tried to deal with his difficult situation by pretending everything is OK… …when it definitely was not OK. Prior to reopening his dining room, he chose not to get rid of tables and create space between them. Instead, he kept all his tables and filled several of […]

Now is the Time to Reimagine and Reinvent Your Organization

Now is the Time to Conduct Strategic Planning

I recently asked a business owner what her highest priority will be when her office reopens.   With no hesitation, she said, “Revise our strategic plan.”  I’ve heard other business leaders say they can’t plan now. There’s too much uncertainty. Their plan: Go into survival mode, cut costs, and tread water until they can return to […]

Staying Grounded During a Global Pandemic

I have a colleague who’s on edge. The pandemic sparked it. He and I discussed how he can deal productively with it. He’s generally an even-keeled kind of guy. But he told me how stressed out he was when a potential client didn’t return his emails. “I went through this whole range of emotions from […]

Reflect on Failure to Achieve Success

Last month, I shared the story of how “groupthink” in President John F. Kennedy’s administration led to the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion.

Here’s the next chapter of that story: How JFK applied lessons learned from that setback to achieve his greatest foreign policy success.

How Groupthink Undermines Foreign Policy… and Your Business

When he became President in 1961, John F. Kennedy inherited a plan to invade Cuba and depose Communist leader Fidel Castro.  Kennedy’s predecessor, Dwight D. Eisenhower, hatched the plan to arm and train 1,500 Cuban refugees and send them to attack their homeland.  The newly-elected President shared the plan with his advisors and asked their […]

The Swing Vote

We all make a variety of decisions every day. Some are so routine that we make them without giving them much thought. But difficult or challenging decisions demand more consideration. Here are a few tips to help you make better decisions:

Prioritize Prioritizing

Whether you lead an organization, community, or board, nothing significant gets done if you don’t prioritize. Without priorities, goals and initiatives trigger chaos, not progress. How do you prioritize when everything seems like a priority?

What NIMBYs Can Teach Us

When I was Mayor of Clayton, MO, we sometimes locked horns with residents when we proposed development projects in their neighborhood. These were the residents who wanted no change at all… EVER… …The residents were referred to as NIMBYs (Not In My BackYard). Sound familiar? Dealing with NIMBYs is a major challenge for government officials. […]

Redefine BHAG to Achieve Big Goals

I once knew a CEO who was fond of BHAGs — big, hairy, audacious goals. He encouraged his employees to think bigger. He prodded them to fill strategic plans with one BHAG after another. Then, he asked me why those plans collected dust. Because, I told him, there’s a difference between “audacious” and “achievable.” Those […]