Linda Goldstein Consulting

Five Key Issues That Can Make or Break Your Plans


“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”

~Charles Darwin

For those of us in the change management business, 2017 provided us many opportunities and challenges. As we look forward into 2018, here are five important topics that need to be on your leadership planning “radar screen”.

  1. The importance of grassroots efforts

Grassroots organizing isn’t just for issues in the political sphere. While public organizations will always have an opportunity to flourish and grow from the efforts of engaged citizens, these same strategies can be leveraged to great effect in both the corporate and non-profit arenas.

  1. Generational inclusion

It’s an inevitable fact – as sure as the tides change, so does the generational makeup of any organization. As Baby Boomers continue to age out, retire, and slow down in order to enjoy their golden years, Gen X’ers and Millennials rise to take their place. Each generation has its own unique needs and desires, and this means that change management is all about being cognizant of these differences. Recruitment, retention, and interpersonal relationships all need to be adjusted and viewed through this generational lens.

  1. The changing workplace

Closely related to the above point, workplaces are changing dramatically as social customs change over time. Excellent examples of this include how workplaces have had to address gender issues in the wake of new attention being paid to harassment issues and the gender pay gap. Other evolving issues have been a push towards flexible hours, mobile working, and independent contractor work in lieu of salaried employees.  Modernized workplaces also often have a renewed emphasis on casual environments and a focus on teamwork versus individual contributions.

  1. Transparency

Whether it’s on an individual basis, in a business environment, or on the governmental level, transparency is the new watchword. Thanks to the connectivity that social media has brought into our lives, organizations and individuals now live in “glass castles.” While this enables positive stories about organizations to spread far and wide, individuals who have faced mistreatment can also be heard much more easily. The result is that unethical behavior on the part of an organization or a harmful culture that has taken root can now be dragged out into the light.

  1. Tri-sector leadership:

Today, leadership experience can come from myriad sources, and it’s something that is being actively encouraged. Experience that comes from work in the non-profit, public, or corporate sectors provides a diversity of perspective, often resulting in unique insights when it comes to solving seemingly complex problems and overcoming challenges that, when viewed from a singular perspective, may seem insurmountable.

Moving Forward

As the new year continues to unfold, there’s never been a better time to plan ahead, set goals, and create an action plan. Not sure where to start? Contact us….we help businesses, governments, and individuals manage change for a positive outcome.